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وفاة عم الاخت نسرين نواز عضوة المكتب الاعلامي المركزي ل حزب

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Nazreen Nawaz


My dear, dear uncle passed away this morning. Innah lillahi wa Innah ilayhi rajeun. May Allah purify him of all his sins for the suffering and pain he endured during his final illness and grant him the highest, highest station in Jannathul Ferdous, granting him the most abundant rewards that he truly deserves. Ameen. He was like a second father to me with such a good heart, full of generosity and care. His kindness touched many lives. And he brought up 3 devoted children in the path of Islam who love Allah and their Deen so may Allah reward him immensely for that and continue to grant him ajrun kabeerun through their good actions. Pls keep him and his family in your duas, especially my aunt and his children that Allah gives ease to their grief, grants them strength and patience to deal with their loss and puts sakina in their hearts. May Allah unite us with him in Jannah. Ameen.


وفاة عم الاخت نسرين نواز عضوة المكتب الاعلامي المركزي ل حزب التحرير هذا الصباح

إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون

نتقدم بأحر التعازي للأخت نسرين نواز

أعظم الله أجركم ورحم فقيدكم








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إنّا لله وإنّا إليه راجعون


غفر الله لميّتكم .. وعظّم أجركم


وأحسن الله عزاءكم .. وألهمكم وأهله الصبر والسلوان .. وجعل الجنّة مثوى لفقيدكم ..


وصلّ اللّهمّ على نبيّنا محمّدٍ وآله وسلّم

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